Wednesday, February 20, 2008

home made ads - consumer generated advertising

AdHack - A Do-It-Yourself Advertising Community

5 things to know about AdHack:

1. Anyone can create an ad.
2. Anyone can commission an ad.
3. Anyone can buy an ad.
4. An ad can be anything you want it to be: words, photos, audio, video. Mix it up. Shake it. See what happens.
5. Ads aren’t just rosy fantasies. They’re opinions, testimonials, reviews. They’re what you think and feel about something. We want legit.

Hack Advertising. Do it yourself.

l.e. James, the founder of AdHack, signals the alpha website:


Anonymous said...

But do we really expect people to create ads for free?

I guess it can happen two ways:

1.Super-brand-addicts, like MacUsers, might go ahead and do it (even if this happens we'll always wonder if its a real user doing it or if its part of a viral-stealth-campaign). In other words, with really powerful brands it might happen.

2.It can just go wrong, like when Chevrolet prompted users to create ads and in turn they created mock-ups:

One could argue that there is still brand exposure but I doubt that is the desired brand-association expected.

georgia. said...

yep,the first thing that came into my mind was the passion of the ipod fans on deviantart community. Check it:

on the other hand, just as u mentioned, it's a Double-edged effect:

eatherway, we keep trusting first the product opinions from friends and family. If a brand controls that, it deservs the results.

Anonymous said...

But how can we expect brands to control opinions?

I've worked on brand consultancy for a while and I must say that with out a real good product/service (and maybe leadership) there is hardly anything to advertise or promote and therefore not chance to control opinion.

georgia. said...

controlling perception, not opinions. that's our job. 'Course, still workin' on it :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm James, the founder of AdHack. Thanks for the mention and good discussion comments. Here are a few responses.

* People make ads for all kinds of different reasons: fame, notoriety, reputation, fun, peer recognition. Money is just one reason. We all make 'ads' for our friends everyday by recommending products and services too.

* We want to reward people for their work and making great ads. We sell the ads contributed to AdHack and pay the creators for their work.

* People making the ads can go wrong, yes. It can also go very right:

* A brand does not control perception. It can participate with people to make perception, but it does not exclusively control it. We think it's better to work with people, than to ignore their power.

So please consider this an open invitation to come to our alpha website to see AdHack in action: Check out the ads. Sign up and make one yourself.

And get in touch with me if you have any questions / suggestions / input. We love to share!